Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Cradle Robbing

Sometimes, nothing makes a 30 something year old woman feel better about herself than going out with a 21 year old. Especially when he is hot and showers you with compliments. My friend Melanie decided to roll the dice with this one and go out with him, despite his douche bag photo (below). 

They meet for a drink (or 6) and homeslice gets sloshed like it's his prom night. Determined to make this date worthwhile (since she has no intention of actually dating him) she brings him home with her. She makes them drinks and he proceeds to spill it all over himself, the dog, and the floor. Ok time for bed. Since he was so hammered, hooking up with him was like trying to shoot pool with a rope. Fail.  After they pass out, she wakes up to the sound of him peeing in her fully packed suitcase. He then started rummaging through her drawers, and while he was attempting to put on one of her sweaters as a skirt, he falls on her drying rack and breaks it.  After she yells at him, he locks himself in the bathroom and sleeps on the floor. 

Finally she gets him to unlock the door at 10am the next morning and brings him home - to the dorm. Yes, the dorm. Moral of the story? I'll leave that one up to you. 

And here he is in the sweater - passed out. I can't make this stuff up! 

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